A City of Rehoboth Beach contractor will begin replacing up to 700 water meters on the north side of town, primarily along Henlopen and Columbia avenues, next week. The city replaces water meters annually as part of its capital improvement plan. The city will install digital meters that can be read...
As part of its March 17 meeting, the Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing related to Somewhere's request to operate a dining patio serving alcoholic beverages. The meeting will begin at 2 pm on the second floor of City Hall.
The City of Rehoboth Beach is inviting residents, property owners, and tree and landscape professionals to provide feedback on its proposed, revised tree code. The city has been working on an exhaustive revamp of its tree code over the past two years. The Board of Commissioners will hold what is...
Commissioners will discuss the proposed fiscal year 2024 budget at a budget workshop at 9 am Friday, February 17. Commissioners will meet on the second floor of City Hall.
The City of Rehoboth Beach has a vacancy on two of its bodies concerned with the city’s trees. Residents and property owners are encouraged to apply via the Legislative Portal on the city’s website. The Parks & Shade Tree Commission hears appeals related to tree removal and replanting as well as...