
The New Wilmington-Baltimore Avenue Streetscape Task Force Kicks Off

Mar 26, 2021

A new Wilmington-Baltimore Avenue Streetscape Task force was formed with the favorable vote of all City of Rehoboth Beach Commissioners at their meeting of March 23.

Its first public virtual meeting will take place at 9 a.m., Wednesday, March 31, 2021.

sixteen task force members represent a cross section of retail shops, restaurants, property owners and organizations, all located within the project area of the two blocks of Wilmington and Baltimore Avenues, and portions of north and south First Street between Wilmington and Baltimore Avenue and the portion of South Second Street between Rehoboth and Wilmington Avenues.

The goal of the multi-year project is to enhance the safety and aesthetics of the area.

The first step will be to collaborate on streetscape design concepts. Future steps will include: engineering, specifying specific amenities, funding and then construction.  No definitive timeline has been established due to the unknown of obtaining funding.

At the Task Force’s Wednesday meeting, the project’s background, scope, goals and timeline will be introduced. There will be several presentations on design concepts, limited vehicle access zones and proposed one-way streets.

The agenda is included here. More information can be found by visiting the City’s website at:


1. Call to Order

2. Kick off the Wilmington-Baltimore Avenue Streetscape Project step one: concept design.

3. Introductions

     ·         WBTF members

     ·         Project Team members

     ·         Design/engineering firm

     ·         DelDOT

4. Roll Call

5. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) primer

6. Correspondence (relating to agenda items only)

7. New Business

     A. Project overview by Rossi, Design Engineering Consultants, to include but not limited to:

     ·         Background; identify project area and project goals; overall project timeline.

     ·         Existing conditions; project schematics, next steps from Rossi.

     ·         Traffic Study.

     ·         Streetscape design concepts:

               Utilizing limited vehicle access zones.

               Utilizing one-way streets.

               Enhancing the current layout.

               Undergrounding of utilities.

8. Task Force Comments

9. Citizen Comment

10. Review future meeting dates.

11. Adjournment


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