
City to Improve Pedestrian Safety

Sep 09, 2020

At their Tuesday, September 8, regular workshop meeting, the commissioners approved approximately $50,000 to improve signage and install cross signals along Rehoboth Avenue.

Chief Keith Banks said that crosswalk safety is an issue even though there are no accidents and data to support it. He noted that many people do not understand the brick pavers are a crosswalk. If you’re driving 15, 25 miles an hour, you’re not preparing yourself that these areas are crosswalks and people may decide to walk out in front of you.

Several commissioners noted they have witnessed near misses over the summer. All were in agreement that public safety for pedestrians was a top priority in the City.

The commissioners gave the go-ahead for the City Manager to order the signs and crossing signals to ensure drivers are aware people could be crossing the street.

The three pedestrian crosswalks where new crossing signals will be installed are on Rehoboth Avenue from City Hall west to 5th Street.

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