
Commissioners Workshop Meeting May 7

May 04, 2018

The commissioners workshop meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 7, at 9 am in the City Hall Commissioners Room on the second floor. The meeting agenda includes:


  • Ongoing study of stormwater outfalls pertaining to DNREC advisement of conditions by Leita Bennett, GHD.

Old Business:

  • Financial update on the ocean outfall project.
  • Update on Handbook of Roles & Responsibilities of City Committees.
  • Discussion of commemorative tree program.
  • Discuss the possibly implement program for tributes and/or certificates of appreciation.
  • Discuss City formatting.

New Business:

  • Discussion with Code Enforcement Officer Dennis Jeney regarding adjustments to self-inspection annual pool licenses.
  • Discussion of additional 30-minute meter spaces on Rehoboth Avenue.
  • Discussion of charter bus drop off location.
  • Discussion of contractor parking.

For the meeting agenda, please visit If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact the Communications Department to share your ideas and concerns at 302-227-6181 ext. 522 or [email protected]



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