
Planning Commission News Update

May 07, 2020

The City of Rehoboth Beach Planning Commission remains hard at work during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Although the Pandemic intrusion prevents us from doing “business as usual”, we are learning to adapt to the challenges that confront all of us during this trying time period.  We recognized early in this crisis that the Planning Commission’s work needed to continue.  We are, therefore, taking advantage as much as possible of the opportunities to utilize technology to keep the wheels of the Planning Commission turning to serve the needs of our community.

Back to Business is the New Normal:  The COVID-19 Pandemic has interfered in the “normal” work of the Planning Commission, creating delays.  It is important to us that you know that we are again “open for business” – even if we need to adapt the way in which we conduct business.  Fortunately, the City has made the technology available to allow us to meet and carry on business.  At our very first virtual meeting on May 8th, we will resume deliberation on pending applications and begin to continue the daily work of the Planning Commission on a going-forward basis – such as sketch plan and site plan reviews, partitioning applications, consideration of Code amendment recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, and any other matters that come to the Planning Commission.

2020 Comprehensive Development Plan Status:  After we were forced to cancel our anticipated CDP Expos in April and May, we adopted a new approach to continuing to gather information and data needed for the development of our 2020 Comprehensive Development Plan (2020 CDP).  Consistent with our overall approach of “total engagement” by the Planning Commissioners, each of the Planning Commissioners agreed to take responsibility to interview one or more of the numerous organizations that serve our City and the various City committees that operate as part of our City government.  These interviews are designed to collect data that becomes part of the mandated “Community Character” section of the 2020 CDP.  We are conducting these interviews either by telephone or e-mail communications.

At the end of last year, the newly constituted Planning Commission reset the focus and approach to complete the 2020 CDP process within the extended deadline of January 31, 2021.  Despite the severity of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s impact, we remain resolute in our desire to achieve that goal.  Beginning in June, we anticipate developing the initial goals and strategies for consideration as part of our 2020 CDP.  Once this step is complete, a draft 2020 CDP will be presented for input to the Planning Commission, City Commissioners, community stakeholders, and the general public.  The input from these parties will allow the Planning Commission to add further substance and bring meaning to the data we have already sourced.  The Planning Commission will continue to revise the draft 2020 CDP until we are satisfied that we have captured all the relevant information.

In light of current conditions, we are working with the Office of State Planning Coordination on our timeline to ensure that the public comment process will afford time for meaningful inputs, including presentations by interested parties, that are important to the development of the 2020 CDP.  We are optimistic that with your patience, assistance, support – and a little help from technology – we will be able to timely produce a final 2020 CDP that will responsibly and pragmatically guide the future of our City.

Please continue to follow our 2020 CDP project on the City’s dedicated website link found here:

Patience is a Virtue:  The old adage “patience is a virtue” has more meaning now than ever.  As we all struggle to deal with COVID-19 inconveniences and obstacles, we ask for your patience and understanding.  We are doing our level best to continue the work of the Planning Commission.  We are all, however, learning how to adapt to the use of new technologies, keeping in regular touch with each other to work on various matters, and, at the same time, adhering to the legal requirements and limitations under which we operate (e.g., FOIA).  Please bear with us. 

If you have any questions about how to participate in any of our virtual meetings or to request that your organization is contacted to participate in the local organization interviews, please contact Ann Womack at [email protected] and for questions about the submission of applications, please contact Damalier Molina at [email protected] or Matthew Janis at [email protected] or any of them at 302-227-6181 ext. 222.


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