
Mayor Paul Kuhns Joins Nationwide Effort to Recognize Impact of National Service

Mar 29, 2018

Rehoboth Beach Mayor Paul Kuhns joined more than 4,300 local leaders across the country in a nationwide bipartisan initiative to highlight the impact of national service in tackling local problems. “National service is a vital resource for our country,” said Kuhns. “AmeriCorps members and Senior Corps volunteers make our counties better places to live. As Mayor of Rehoboth Beach, I am grateful for the dedication and sacrifice of these exceptional citizens, who are helping make our area stronger, safer, and healthier.”

Given the many challenges facing communities, county and city leaders are increasingly turning to national service as a cost-effective strategy to meet local needs. National Service Recognition Day is a nationwide bipartisan effort to recognize the positive impact of national service, to thank those who serve, and to encourage more citizens to give back to their communities. This day is sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the National League of Cities, the National Association of Counties, and Cities of Service.

As the federal agency for service and volunteering, CNCS annually engages millions of Americans in service at more than 50,000 locations through AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and other programs. National service participants address the most pressing challenges facing our counties and nation. From helping communities recover from natural disasters, fighting the opioid epidemic, restoring parks, strengthening public safety, to tutoring and mentoring disadvantaged students, national service members get things done.

Across the nation, local leaders are participating in a variety of activities, including visiting national service programs, hosting roundtable discussions, issuing proclamations, and communicating the impact of national service through social media. By shining the spotlight on the impact of service and thanking those who serve, local officials hope to inspire more residents to get involved in their communities.

“National service shows the best of the American spirit – people turning toward problems instead of away, working together to find community solutions,” said Kuhns. “Today, as we thank national service members for their commitment, let us all pledge to do our part to strengthen our county through service and volunteering.”

For more information including background and a list of participating county officials and mayors, visit

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