
DE Update on Coronavirus

Mar 08, 2020

For information, call the information line at 1-866-408-1899 or email [email protected]

What Delawareans Can Do

It is currently flu and respiratory disease season, and flu activity is still high and expected to continue for a number of weeks.

Take steps to avoid spreading germs from any respiratory diseases by:

  • Getting your flu vaccine if you have not already done so.
  • Covering your cough.
  • Staying home if you are sick.
  • Washing your hands.
  • Not touching your face.
  • Cleaning frequently used surfaces regularly.

Anyone who traveled to China, Italy, South Korea, Japan or Iran in the past 14 days is asked to contact the Division of Public Health at 1-866-408-1899 to advise so we can provide recommendations for self-monitoring at home.

Anyone returning from those countries in the past 14 days who experiences fever, cough, or other acute illness should contact DPH at 1-866-408-1899 to discuss your symptoms and potential next steps which may include transport to a health care facility, and testing. If your symptoms are severe enough to require calling 9-1-1, inform the 9-1-1 operator of your recent travel and symptoms.

The U.S. Department of State issued a travel advisory on January 31, 2020, advising U.S. citizens not to travel to China due to the ongoing situation involving the 2019 novel coronavirus. On Feb. 26, 2020, the State Department issued a travel advisory not to travel to Iran. On Feb. 29, 2020, the State Department issued travel advisories to reconsider travel to South Korea and Italy, and not to travel to Daegu, South Korea, or the Lombardy and Veneto regions of Italy. Travelers should be prepared for travel restrictions to be put into effect with little or no advance notice, and commercial carriers have reduced or suspended routes to and from China, Italy and South Korea. Keep updated on the most recent travel advisories on the CDC website at:

Stay Informed!