
DART First State’s Mobility in Motion Initiative Underway: Input Needed

Jul 26, 2018

Why should Delawareans care about mobility?

Transportation benefits us all. For many Delaware residents, transportation to work, school, medical appointments, shopping, and social or community services may be a hardship because of a disability, age, illness, veteran status, or financial constraints. Some transportation-disadvantaged individuals may face challenges in walking, bicycling, or rolling to public transit location. Other Delawareans live in rural areas that are not served by public transit and where transportation options are often limited. They often rely on volunteers, family members, caregivers, or non-profit human services organizations for transportation to destinations that provide needs of daily living and support services.

What is Mobility in Motion?

The state of Delaware recognizes the importance of personal mobility for all Delawareans and transportation-disadvantaged individuals. The Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC), operating as DART First State Transit, has launched Mobility in Motion. This initiative invites Delawareans to envision and provide critical input on the future of mobility in Delaware.

How can you help?


Learn more by visiting:


Take the online survey to provide input!

                               Enter for a chance to win a $25 gift card for completing the survey!


Share the online survey with your network.

How will information be used?

Public input and data will be gathered to identify public transit and human services transportation barriers, challenges, and gaps in services in Delaware. The information will be used to develop a Coordinated Public Transit—Human Services Transportation Plan, or “Coordinated Plan,” for the State of Delaware. Developed through a participatory planning process, the Coordinated Plan will serve as a strategic framework for addressing the state’s existing and future mobility needs.

Need more information?

The Institute for Public Administration (IPA) at the University of Delaware is facilitating outreach on behalf of DTC. For more information, please contact IPA policy scientists Marcia Scott ([email protected]) or Julia O’Hanlon ([email protected]).








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