
Commissioners Special Meeting April 24

Apr 17, 2019

A Commissioners Special Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24, 2019, at 1:15 p.m. or immediately following the previous meeting in the City Hall Commissioners Room on the second floor. 

The purpose of this Special Meeting is for the:

A. Potential executive session pursuant to 29 Del.C. §10004(b)(4) ("Strategy sessions, including those involving legal advice or opinion from an attorney-at-law, with respect to collective bargaining or pending or potential litigation") and pursuant to 29 Del.C. §10004(b)(6) ("Discussion of the content of documents, excluded from the definition of "public record" in §10002 of this title where such discussion may disclose the contents of such documents") concerning the Beach Walk project and Ocean Bay Mart Inc. v. The City of Rehoboth Beach, C.A. S-18A-02-001 ESB.

B. Discussion of and potential adoption of an Ordinance to amend the municipal code of the City of Rehoboth Beach, Chapter 236, by adding a new Section 236-12.1 relating to the applicability of Ordinances 1016-02 and 1116-01 to pending applications.

Public Discussion - Public comment regarding agenda items will be heard after initial Commissioners' discussion and prior to any motion and vote on the items listed above.  Agenda items may be considered out of sequence.

For the meeting agenda, please visit To live stream meetings, please click on the video button above each meeting agenda or by navigating to For additional information or special accommodations, please call 302-227-6181 (TDD Accessible) 24-hours prior to the meeting. 

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