
CodeRED Message from City Manager Sharon Lynn

Mar 28, 2020

All residents of the City of Rehoboth Beach have been urged to shelter in place, to stay at home and not leave your houses unless absolutely necessary as confirmed cases of the disease continue to rise daily. As reported just a few hours ago by the Delaware Division of Public Health there have been 214 total laboratory-confirmed cases in the state since March 11 and 59 of these are from Sussex County. The total number of positive cases represents a cumulative total since the pandemic began. 

We continue to urge all second homeowners in the City to heed warnings and ask everyone to think of your neighbors and your families, and to protect your own health by sheltering in your primary homes. This is a pandemic. In a small community like ours, hospitals do not have the beds and staff for the growing number of COVID-19 cases that could affect our City. Please consider the impacts of potentially and unknowingly being a carrier of the virus and possibly infecting others. Please consider coming to your second home when circumstances improve. Our primary goal is public safety for all! Nothing is more important at this time than doing everything we can to ‘flatten the curve’ and slow the spread of COVID-19 so that our health care system is not overwhelmed. 

Rest assured Mayor Kuhns is in communication with Governor Carney often. The Commissioners monitor all contact regularly and are frequently in touch with the Mayor and me. Should other emergency measures be warranted we will inform you immediately. We have been able to use electronic signboards to transmit messages advising the public of closures and the police department now has an emergency message they are broadcasting on the Boardwalk and beach to keep people from exercising themselves and their dogs. 

Please understand that your City Government is operating within the State of Emergency. Although it is the weekend, we continue to work off-site and emergency responders throughout the City are working 24/7 with one goal-to keep you all safe and informed. We are trying very hard to provide clear and concise information. Please contact us by email to allow time to answer your questions and please check the City’s website at frequently as messages are added often. 

We must be united, vigilant and stick together. We will get through these trying times.

 All residents living within the City of Rehoboth Beach limits are encouraged to visit the City of Rehoboth Beach CodeRED self-enrollment site to enroll additional contact information including cell phone numbers, text, and email addresses.

Stay Informed!