
Bridge repair work on the Lewes Drawbridge & Rehoboth Drawbridge

May 22, 2018

The Delaware Department of Transportation will begin working on the Lewes Drawbridge (BR 3-154) on US9 Savannah Road and Rehoboth Drawbridge (BR 3-153) on SR1A Rehoboth Avenue over Lewes-Rehoboth Canal in the fall of 2018 and be complete by fall 2019. The existing drive system of BR 3-153 is outdated and no longer has technical support. Both bridges need mechanical/electrical upgrades and structural repairs. Addressing these issues will extend the life and improve the operation of the bridges. This project involves repairs to the steel grid deck and concrete deck, steel superstructure repairs, repairs to the alignment system, and minor repairs to the existing substructure. Repairs also include replacement of portions of the mechanical drive systems and electrical system. On BR 3-154, the center joint will be modified to prevent binding of the leafs. There will be occasional lane shifts and detours at night. Detours will only be done outside the peak summer tourist season. For more information, please visit


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