
Delmarva Power Installs LED Streetlights

Dec 16, 2019

In an effort to reduce the City’s energy bill and provide enhanced lighting in the major commercial streets, Delmarva Power recently installed LED fixtures in Baltimore Avenue and Wilmington Avenue streetlights. The LED lights, owned by Delmarva Power, offer enhanced reliability and durability, lasting up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs. There are 24 current lights along the first two blocks of each street that were replaced. Baltimore Avenue’s south side had six lights replaced on the first block and five on the second block. On the north side of Wilmington Avenue, seven lights were replaced on the first block and six on the second block. The replacement reduces energy consumption with a monthly energy savings of $2.24 for 150-watt lights, $1.47 for 100-watt lights and $.89 for 70-watt lights. “LED streetlights are another step forward in advancing the City’s foundational principle of environmental stewardship,” said City Manager Sharon Lynn. “LED lighting is more efficient and will have both environmental and economic benefits for our community.” The City plans to work with Delmarva Power to have LED lighting installed on other main streets and intersections in the future. For more information, please contact the Communications Department at 302-227-6181 ext. 522 or [email protected].

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